If you are here, it shows you really want to reverse your Diabetes Permanently.

Do well to pay close attention and discover how I reversed my High Blood Sugar.

Healthy And Alive

5th January 2024 | 3,840,713 views

If you are experiencing:

  • Frequent Urination
  • Weight Loss
  • Poor sexual performance
  • Tiredness and general body weakness
  • Blurry Vision
  • Frequent Thirst for Water
  • Slow healing of wounds and injuries
  • Numbness or Tingling (especially in the hands and feet, due to nerve damage)

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and want a lasting solution, or know someone with similar symptoms:

Then this is a must-read for you.

If someone told me that I would be free from Diabetes completely, I would have doubted, because my doctors told me I could only manage it and that there was no cure. But to God be the glory, I proved them wrong.

Diabetes is more dangerous than you think.

I have a personal experience with diabetes.

My name is Dr. Samuel Femi (P.H.D). I am a Biochemistry lecturer at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

I am blessed with a loving wife and 2 kids.

One day, when I came back from work, I was seriously tired, and since it’s normal to be exhausted after a long day, I just took a good rest.

I woke up the next day with the same tiredness, so I decided to take the whole week for a rest.

During the week, I realized I was still getting tired even when I wasn’t really doing anything. At this point, I was already urinating 10-15 times in just one hour.

The following week, my urine color had turned dark, and I could gradually notice my eyes becoming yellowish.

As a scientist, I knew these things were not normal, so I had to go see the doctor before things got worse.

After a series of tests at the hospital, I received one of the saddest news of my life: The doctor said I am suffering from DIABETES.

The following week, my urine color had turned dark, and I could gradually notice my eyes becoming yellowish.

As a scientist, I knew these things were not normal, so I had to go see the doctor before things got worse.

After a series of tests at the hospital, I received one of the saddest news of my life: The doctor said I am suffering from DIABETES.

This was the beginning of my suffering with DIABETES. I went from one problem to another. I started having rashes on my body, and I could barely eat, so I was losing weight.

I learned that Diabetes does not have a cure, and it has caused a lot of deaths. The thought of this made me sad all the time, because who was going to take care of my wife and children?

So I had to keep taking tablets and injections all my life.

This was how I was battling with DIABETES for 8 years.

Until 2021, when the case had gotten really serious and my liver and heart were developing problems already as a result of diabetes and the side effects of the medications I had been taking.

At this point, I couldn’t do many things again.

So I had no option but to go for further treatment outside Nigeria, which cost millions of naira. I gathered all resources and flew to India.

A lot of things went on, but to cut the long story short, India was a new beginning for me. When I got to the hospital to schedule my appointment, I was advised to meet with hepatologists (liver experts) and some other professionals.

They recommended an ancient Indian formula BCG-35 (Maduhara). They said I didn’t need surgery. I argued that I had used many medications and none worked, and I was about to turn the option down because of my experience with several medications.

But they told me BCG-35 (Maduhara) has a success rate of 98% and that this was the reason why Indians do not have diabetes. So, I decided to take it.

That was one of the best decisions of my life.

After taking BCG-35 (Maduhara) for months, I could feel a lot of changes. The symptoms had reduced, and according to test results and check-ups, my sugar level dropped from 311 to 87 moles per dl.

I continued the medication, and that was how I ended OVER 8 YEARS of DIABETES.

The ancient, scientifically formulated BCG-35 (Maduhara):

  • Reversed my diabetes completely.
  • Repaired my liver without side effects.
  • Even those abnormalities on my leg gradually healed themselves.


I have been eating good food, My bedroom performance was restored and I have never had any reason to buy any diabetes drugs or solutions again.

Today, I’m a FREE Man, FREE from Diabetes.

No more frequent urination.

I no longer feel pain of any kind.

Listen, if you have Diabetes, stop using those random solutions or herbs to manage it because they come with massive side effects after some years.


After I saw the magical work of BCG-35 (Maduhara), then the next challenge set in.

The next challenge was how to get BCG-35 (Maduhara) to Nigeria because I have many people, even my family and friends, that have been struggling with diabetes for years.

Many Nigerians are also in this shoe and looking for how to be saved from this silent killer.

This gave me a lot of headaches, and my hands were tied, especially because of the exchange rate.

After days of thinking, I decided to come home with the quantity I could carry.

I knew it would be very limited, but it would be for people who are ready to take action immediately.

Once it is exhausted, I can’t tell when next we will be able to get another set of BCG-35 (Maduhara).

Immediately I got back, I gave some to my family members and friends.

Now, they are all free from Diabetes.

Presently, the remaining stock is less than 350 bottles.


So I will advise you to take advantage of this opportunity because once this is exhausted, I can’t tell when next and at what exchange rate we will be able to get another stock.

Please leave the doubt and get this formula today to save yourself from diabetes.

This stock may be exhausted before 2 days’ time because a lot of orders have already started coming in.

PLEASE NOTE: Diabetes is a deadly virus, and this is a process. Mine took me 3 months to be completely reversed. I know friends that got results through this solution in under a month…


If you want to be free from Diabetes completely, click the link below to watch this life-changing video now.

Click the button to watch the video presentation now…

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These claims have not been evaluated by NAFDAC. All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. This is an advert. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. This is an advert and should be construed as such.